Rena activity hall
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Rena, Norway
Architecture, uban sports design
Åmot kommune

The initiator of the project is the Youth Council in Åmot, which for some time has worked to establish an arena for self-organized activities - skateboarding, parkour, bouldering, dance and e-sports. The vision is a unifying and social space for all age groups, with a wide range of activities on offer in the same place. The activity park, which is located in an old industrial building, includes both indoor and outdoor facilities and emphasises sustainability, reusing the existing structures on site. At the same time, the outdoor facility will be connected to the surrounding landscape, with the River Glomma as a natural focal point.

The participation process is underway, and based on the overall vision and user input, we have outlined the framework for the further development of the Activity Park. We look forward to continuing the exciting work together with the Youth Council and Åmot municipality!

"An activity hall will mean a lot to young people in Åmot who do not naturally engage in organized leisure activities. The facility will also be able to be used during the day as an important supplementary arena for schools and institutions. Such activities mean a lot and create well-being for students, soldiers, children, young people and adults in Åmot. "

Municipal director Stein Halvorsen to the newspaper Østlendingen

Rena activity hall